Archive for the ‘TRANSCENDANCE love letters to my Twin Flame’ Category

Twin Flame Unions
May 23, 2018

052318 twin flame union


I am a 5th Dimensional dweller, keeper of the birth of a new way of thinking, new ways of perceiving, opening new paths I look out with new eyes.. and accept new concepts into my world view..

Long has this journey been (in my current life with this back having gotten injured in 1984, with the white dr saying “We will have to put you on pain pills for the rest of your life” … while I refused to surrender to that reality ..

Most of what I share it is inside me, through vision and dream I move forward and grow, but the time has come for me to look to others who understand more about where I have arrived (5th dimension) and then form my concepts from what I see as I explore concepts I have not focused on before.

The place where I have found myself deal with a world in which there are 12 different realities I am living in all at once, and the fact that reason I have not found true healing for my aches and pains has to do with the fact that the original injury took place in another me living on a separate time line.

Anyway I am willing to look in this direction for healing.. so there is a class, in Espavo, the Group that is designed to open the path to the other dimensions of me. Normally would not take these classes because they are expensive, but as I get older and find this human body feeling like it is in a rapid descendsion of decay, like my parts are breaking, I have decided that I am willing to pay this price (200.00) for these seed activation’s to open the path to so that I can look for healing in this direction…

So this morning I woke up inside my dream and I and my Twin Flame (who lives on a separate continent) were walking together down a path. Between us was the portal and I could see that within the portal we we were holding hands as we walked.

Then the Ancients who guide my path opened up an image within my mind of a poem I wrote to my Twin Flame in 2003 about how in the places where I am weaker they are strong and in the places where they are weak I am stronger, so that together we were stronger than we were when we were not together.

then the Ancients said that in taking this class that the healing would travel to both of us, not just me, but to both of us…  We both would benefit from my exploration into this new concept…

and with this I have realized that even though my Two Spirit love and I live on separate continents, and are currently making a silent passage through time, only touching in dreams and small moments of time in space between that it is possible to achieve  Twin Flame Union even when living on separate continents…  even if our missions placed us on separate planets we would still be able to achieve Twin Flame Union..  In our dreamtime we are always together…. always connected…

She adds our hearts radiating love and light the doorway bright
May 8, 2018

Two Heart apart but touch through the portal she adds our hearts of radiating love

The positioning of her divine feminine in the picture comes from a dream I had during the time of great sleep (last winter 2017) when I was being brought into the understanding that I had been dreaming them all my life.

In the dream I could see I was in my Home world as all of my animals began to congregate a party began to form and grow through time until the party spilled over to the front yard, but still more people kept coming to the party and after a time the animals all turned into people but I could still tell who they were.

From the clan of the ancient deer people by destiny

down the hill stood the Clan of Ancient Deer People who, it seemed had migrated across the river to my side, and were standing at the edge of the party.  Then comes one of them walking past me, and this time I could see their features up close, her softly flattened nose.  and her dress of deer skin.  She had 2 braids hanging down in front and on her chest she wore her crest, the emblem of the Ancient Deer People.  She was long and graceful and after she passed me, upon her back I could see she wore her emblem there too and she had another 2 braids hanging down.

She was headed back towards her clan, and she reminded me of  the way a comet shoots off to seed new worlds and then comes back home to their clan..

ancient chinese knight picture3b59092b1b5d994e3c467948b54e455cwith this I realize that all along a man and a woman have been standing there with with me along (as the Deer Woman had passed between us and caused me to look towards her and see them.)

The man was very very tall and larger than life.  His attire was quite elegant and at the same time he was an Ancient one.  The woman was a lot shorter than him and was dressed only slightly like the pic above.

There was another woman there and she was talking to him about her art, asking him if he wanted to see her art, so I asked him if he would like to see my art, and we took off to the front of the house.  The passage up the stairs was like jumping from stone to stone up a waterfall stairway..  He took the lead and his woman ran danced skipped beside me..  then as we neared the top she ran on up the steps in front of him..  and that was when I recognized my love as she looked over the top of his head and smiled so bright back at me..  (I have seen us in this same position many times inside my dreams..)

When she gets to the top of stairs she makes this odd movement, lays down and slips through the opening..  Then he does the same, so I do the same thing and walk into an alternate world, where we are standing up..

I am looking around for my art to show him so I take him into my glow in the dark room..  in the sky up above I have stars and clouds….  and he is getting romantically distracted by it to the point where he goes, “I wish you hadn’t painted those stars in the sky for they are distracting me from my mission,” and pulling me close (as my human form was quite sick at the time) he was asking me if maybe I could ask someone to turn on the music so we could dance…



This was one of the dreams from before I realized they always were with me in my dreams…  so when I sketched out the picture of the mirror portal with my hand reaching through and touching their heart.. and their hand reaching though and touching my heart I put my loves divine feminine in the position from the dream, from when she ran up the stairs ahead of him.. and looking back she smiled at me….  ♥♥♥




In the space between awake and sleep
May 4, 2018

In the space between
Awake and sleep
I feel her laying next to me
Her arm softly draped over my waist
as her heart touches my heart
In my dream
She holds me close
In my dream she holds me close
I can feel her heart beating
the sacred pulse between us
She is the softness of Love
whose arm drapes across me
in gentle carress
In the place of inbetween
awake and sleep
I feel her laying next to me

♥a love Destiny production♥

picture credit:
Selene by Susan Seddon Boulet

Selene by Susan Seddon Boulelt



….  now that I have realized I am not yet finished singing my song, I will again become Ad free in June …

Twin Flames, journey with my Two Spirit love.. Standing Rock and historical trauma
July 31, 2017

It must be really hard having both genders living inside you.. in a world that does not understand or live to support you..

Upon last count my love had returned and I could feel her soft softness inside my bed..  but inside him all I can feel is a wound..  a distance not trans versed, but like he showed up because of her.. (and I can still feel her inside my bed)

Inside my dream this morning he showed up, just sitting there inside a daze, not saying anything…  3 times did she (his divine feminine) come to him and ask him why he disappeared.. 3 times he sat staring as if he did not hear and would not answer her..

:   :   :

They have been inside my dream world since before I was 12..  sometimes her.. sometimes him.. sometimes them…  my mind has been wondering, on this time of signs, of her showing up, of him bringing her..  why the pain that is inside him now…

This morning, as I feel my body all hurting again, as it has been hurting horribly since the rubber bullets and the water cannons were sprayed upon the people of Standing Rock..  I am wondering if my love also is lost inside the historical trauma that we we all experience at Standing Rock.. (I do not have any way of knowing what they are feeling as I only have dreams, and the knowledge of her.. his.. their presence inside my bed)..

but I know that I, myself have been locked inside this horrible pain since the spray of rubber bullets and water cannons tried to quell our quest to protect our water for all the generations to come..

I have been struggling through a need to feel prejudice.. and a need to protect all those who fall outside the guidelines of the white supremacist who seem determined to turn the clock back to the days when they could rule the world through prejudice…

..  This morning I awoke my my dream and wondered if my love too has gone into a need for healing because of what we witnessed at Standing Rock on the day the rubber bullets were shot and the water cannons were sprayed..

my body has hurt horribly since then….  as if someones trauma came inside me.. or as if on the astral plane I was there and felt what happened..

Twin Flames ~journey to a higher love
June 18, 2017

I could write a thousand words
while endlessly trying to make certain I protected your heart
I had a dream that I was standing at the waters edge
staring down at the water,
watching the lights sparkle and dance
I saw 3 of the most beautiful, magical orange scales
laying there beneath the surface.
The lights of the water danced upon them
then as I watched
the lights of the water was dancing upon the 2
as they danced together
and looked like a butterfly in flight
I do not have the words to explain to you what was shown to me in that moment
as the universe opened in that moment and reminded me of what we feel like when we are spirit
And in the place where we are spirit, it all made perfect sense..
Then I heard the words, Let them go, he has a journey he needs to make…
With that I turned and was driving down a country road, when suddenly swooping in over the top of me, and guiding my path the largest bird I have ever seen.   with a wingspan that stretched across both lanes of the road and color so dark I could not translate what kind of bird was now being given to me as a spirit guide..  This spirit bird guided me down the road then disappeared for a moment, and as I looked around trying to see where it had gone, its shadow came across my truck and guided me down the road…
all my love,
I will see you again when the blue butterfly asks me to come sing to you…  All my love…

Mermaid Island, a spiritual retreat,
June 6, 2017


I have gone to Mermaid Island on a spiritual journey, spiritual retreat… It is the place where I lived in our passage through Lemuria.. I will be searching through time for my memories from that life…

Once we set our mind on something, it will cause the path to open before us..

and thus through my dreams and ‘seeings’ I will be be able to access memories from there…

I found myself in a dream from there this morning, but I was not able to bring it out with me…

but the thought is crossing my mind, as I swan down the corridor that we lived in the caves.. that was as much of the dream as I was able to bring out

I have a feeling the Hawk.. and the Blue Butterfly will both have appearances on this journey…. along with the water dragon with golden light in its hair…

Journey to Mermaid Island ~A Two Spirit Journey
June 4, 2017

by Destiny
Life happens… changes happen .. it is very important that we honor the changes..
the painting of this picture was a journey of discovery that all began with a mistake.. this was a mermaid lesson on line that I was painting and after getting the sun, sky and dragon stone painted I drew in the rainbow haired mermaid.. Then I noticed it was all blank to the right of her and thought, ‘well I will just add a second mermaid. Got her all outlined and I still had a 1/4th of the canvas to fill… so I thought I will put a flower in the second mermaids hair and have the limbs of a tree coming down to fill the rest of the space…
As this happened a book begin to form in my mind and the pictures I could paint in this book so I began to have a look see at the symbols the Earth was giving presently around me and saw the Honey Suckle in the Tree who came to visit me and share her message with me…..
So then I knew that in the next picture the water dragon will appear with me.. and with my love, an amazing Star Fish in her hand that she is showing me…
In the course of painting this picture I did some research to look at various mermaid head dresses and discovered that there are a multitude of Two Spirit who are Mermaids… (and they need to be part of this honoring song also)
and then today I did some research to see what a group of mermaids is called… I found, to my amazement a passage that one in 3 mermaids is infertile and will spend her life running with her sister.. or friend… or lover such as I and my Two Spirit Love who happens to be my Twin Spirit (according to the Eagles in my dream) making us born in the Womb of Creation together as Twins…
#Cheyenne #TwoSpirit #TwinSpirit

Sometimes Love is a Butterfly, lessons from a Two Spirit Journey
April 18, 2017

This Two Spirit love.. pictures from the journey

This is from last summer when she came home traumatized and said she had to leave, that what she once believed was no longer true and she had to go find herself.. and grow

I had responded with I will leave also, and thinking that I would go somewhere else I found myself in a sea of clover with a blue butterfly dancing at my feet. The Blue Butterfly showed a Y in the path and said, “you can go right and there will be food there, or left and there will be food there also”

So I left the path where I was going to leave her, changed my name to River Song and told her the Blue Butterfly was the path I would follow in a sing a long…

Two Spirits are amazing. She disappeared behind her masculine energy and her gentle feminine would not touch me from inside the place she had gone to heal…

She sent me pictures from inside the forest where she had gone to heal..  And I sent her pictures of the butterfly traveling along the River Song… There were mermaids in that river, and fairies and magical trees, and a dark forest where one could get lost endlessly..

Then I dreamed she was returning… though she still was holding herself so far from me…. so I rejoiced in the knowing and sang exuberantly… while she pretended not to notice I was dancing by myself waiting for her to step back out of the forest where she had gone to find herself…

That moment, when she came back and found me still sitting there waiting for her…. I believe it was the moment love was reborn in her heart…

Sometimes things happen in life that can tear us apart, leave us shattered and torn… and sometimes it takes a butterfly to heal that pain….

In the Womb of Creation, a Rainbow Twin Spirit Love song
April 3, 2017

Here is a love song I wrote.. to her.. to him.. to them..   to my Two Spirit Love recently… (not only is she my Two Spirit Love, she is also my Twin Spirit. That is what I heard in a dream this last January..)

In the womb of creation
we lie in in sacred dance
Our bodies yearning
and turning towards each other
with the knowing
in that moment
we had touched love
And that it was a divine energy
that would always flow between us

Oh we could come back
and be Twins again and again
or triplets with your divine
intertwining within me
But it is just so much fun
to come here and dance with you
outside the confines
of a bloodline twins
In this place where we
can be lovers true
and enjoy the pleasures
of Two Spirited you.
dancing with me
in eternal love..

while remembering
how beautiful it felt
when we danced in the
Womb of Creation
our bodies touching
in sacred bliss
knowing this was the first place
where we touched Love..
knowing that this is where
we experienced
our first kiss.

Love Destiny and Shining Star

In the place where we stand is the place where we should sing from

Two Spirit Love, divine unveiling
March 20, 2017

This human mind is a virgin to the Two Spirit world. In ways I cannot define I accepted the belief reality of this world, even while other parts of myself could see through the prejudice, the hate, the fear, I could see easily see there and know my calling was to choose the path that led to love.

A world beyond 2 sexes never crossed my mind to question it reality, and its legitimacy as reality.

Now here I am having completed one whole puzzle (why the spirit Indians began walking with me in the 4th grade) I have now been given a second one to put together. This beautiful puzzle who we call Two Spirit Love in her divine unfolding.

One of my observations in this great unfolding, especially in the last year is the fact that when she feels less than safe in her divine feminine, or when she feels she needs some special protection she will step behind the essence of her male energy and allow him to protect her while she tries to find a way to heal.

So I now understand that the reason I met my Two Spirit Love walking fully in her male energy was because her heart had been shattered and broken and at a loss to know what to do or how to carry on without the safety of her comfort zone she had slipped behind the veil into the safety zone of her male energy to allow him to protect her..


Every day I allowed the honor of walking with her it becomes more and more clear what medicine Two Spirit people brought to our Tribes..  They teach us how to walk in balance within ourselves.  So often we think we are only one sex, or the other, and we do not see that we are both, all of us.  We all have the feminine nurturer and the masculine protector within all of us.  It is the medicine of the Two Spirit to remind us of how to find balance inside of ourselves.