
January 6, 2020 - Leave a Response

dream too

11:11 our awakening call to rebalance

November 1, 2018 - Leave a Response

OMGoodness, I just woke up inside a dream in which I was looking through time and witnessed the establishing of the rule (in this new calendar that we are now writing) … the ruling was to establish that each Nation’s dialect must be honored.. It was like an Olympic event..

As we rise back into our god goddess memories, it is so much more, and so much more.. jobs there are different.. like now, in my present state I would be considered the detangler of knots of energy because of my ability to see through to places where the energy is tangled.. like in the place of big business and governments not taking ownership of their roles and leading the people, with honor, back into a state of balance which is what the next great circle of calendar events is about.. the Master Alarm clock of the 11;11 has been ringing for every person, Nation and establishment since the digital revolution began…

It is time for big business and the government to step into a state of compliance, to work with the reason we created this journey into denser bodies, for myself I wanted to touch a Tree Spirit.. without passing through (I am a natural born Tree Hugger).. for each had their own calling because they wanted to participate in our endeavor, like some, who danced in the place of the great cat running, wanted to experience a love of cats without passing through because we were energy beings..

for many reasons we came together to create this world of solid, and now we have vibrated as slow and as low and as heavy as we were going to go before rising again back into a higher vibration which is what this next circle is about… rising again…

the 11:11 alarm has been resounding for all to awaken and remember…. how we each wanted to reach out and touch each other.. without passing through.. sacred journey’s we have traveled to…

It is time for big business and governments alike to lead the people back into a state of balance…

110118 circle of we



11:11 Master numbers.. Remembering to dance

September 20, 2018 - Leave a Response


From the moment the world went digital the 11:11 seeding remembrance of god goddess we created this journey so that we could have a beautiful experience together..

Yes we have a Mother and we have a Father…. older kinder gentler… and they too have parents, so we have Grandparents.. but that does not subtract from who we are, it enhances it.. embraces it.. and is delightful as an energy to dance within..

Working the energy of being a Conscious Creator

September 20, 2018 - Leave a Response

092018 what we gravitate towards

In looking out at the 11:11 and our awakening to our god goddess selves…

what we think on is the energy we draw towards us

So it has come to my attention that not only has humanity been exposed to the 11:11 … but government officials… and big business owners and management has been been exposed to their clocks being noticed at 11:11 or 555 or 333… we have all been brought to the place of awakening that we are gods and goddess, children of creator, we are creators too..

the other day I observed my grandson on his game systems.. In the first game he was telling me how he would have to steal people vehicles to up the vehicle he was driving..

In the second one it was all about purchasing machine guns and killing the aliens..

In the third one I watched as he was positioning rocks to fall on peoples heads.. to laugh at peoples pain..

so I explained to him that the writes of those programs are working to desensitize the children … and that life is about the choices we make, to chose to play games intended to desensitize.. or choose game to uplift and learn and grow and flourish..

Afterwards I got to thinking about it…. about the responsibility that the big business must take in the self healing of their disease, in awakening to remember that we all came to make this journey together.. all equal, wanting and longing to experience a world of touch because as spirit we literally pass through each other

so we wanted to come down to this deep energy… and touch..

the Awakening was a journey we also chose to experience so that we could come back into balance and enjoy our journey.

I used to think that it was humanities, each and every individual responsibility to challenge themselves into accepting their awakening..

But at the age of 12 I was given an inner guide while staring into the face of flower.. an Indian appeared and told me that she came to guide me through this 3rd dimension. She told me that all the rules for how to walk in balance had been written on the Earth, and it was to the Earth that I was to look for rules on how to determine what I believed..

In looking out I have now come to realize to the magnitude by why there are leaders and followers…. storm fronts… and the energy that first picks up a wave and pulls more water into a bigger wave… to the ant and its little dance, “Hey I found food” and talking more ants into following… to the leader of the wolf pack and even the first tree that lands in a forest and the multitude that comes from it..

In so many ways I can now see that it is the responsibility of big business to tend to the healing of their disease, their lack of ease,, and the projection of energy that is not balanced…

All of natures serves each other… for a comfortable and beautiful experience as gods and goddesses choosing to come experiencing a a deeper closeness of us…

We are seeding a new journey when we think on these things about how big business needs to take responsibility to their self healing, We are moving energy when we do that, opening the path for it to play out that way.. because the things we think on are the things we create.. the things we draw to us…


The healing path, journey to being a conscious creator

July 28, 2018 - Leave a Response

One of the greatest medicines I found in my youth: After the rape of my soul they tried to exorcise the Indian out of me. It hit me hard, like a bomb going off inside of my stomach.. They thought their victory came when I blacked out. They did not know that when I blacked out it was because my Indian Kacheena, she came and grabbed my hand and took me to a safe place deep down inside far away from the pain that was outside.. When I awoke I was full of rage and hatred against them, and the emptiness inside of me felt like a bomb had exploded inside my tummy… and rocking and holding my stomach like that I began to weep..

And weeping I looked around and saw a great psychic war was taking place across the Earth, to the children of the Earth..

There was a girl, and to most she appeared hardened of heart, and bitterness had come upon her… but when she told me the story of her soul, of the rape that had come upon her and changed her whole world and how nothing looked the same after that I turned my tears away from weeping for me, to weeping for her…

And looking around I saw so many wounded inside the psychic battle of innocence stolen at the hands of another and upon waking inside the dark cold reality the rage and hatred kicking in protecting them from the pain they felt of having the innocence stolen from their hearts… In my brokenness I found myself walking around weeping for all the others as I listened to their stories inside a room that was full of rage and hatred….

and by weeping for others more than myself.. this is what I believe was the medicine that guided the path to my healing..

I really believe that Love could not have found me if all I did was wallow in despair for myself (or I could not have seen love standing there as long as I only felt and embraced the rage only within myself in self pity… I really believe that there is healing medicine in weeping for all the same or similar stories.. that this act enables one to see that hand of love has come to lift them from their misery..

and from this point I began my journey to become a conscious creator…… All my love… Destiny

Twin Flame Unions

May 23, 2018 - Leave a Response

052318 twin flame union


I am a 5th Dimensional dweller, keeper of the birth of a new way of thinking, new ways of perceiving, opening new paths I look out with new eyes.. and accept new concepts into my world view..

Long has this journey been (in my current life with this back having gotten injured in 1984, with the white dr saying “We will have to put you on pain pills for the rest of your life” … while I refused to surrender to that reality ..

Most of what I share it is inside me, through vision and dream I move forward and grow, but the time has come for me to look to others who understand more about where I have arrived (5th dimension) and then form my concepts from what I see as I explore concepts I have not focused on before.

The place where I have found myself deal with a world in which there are 12 different realities I am living in all at once, and the fact that reason I have not found true healing for my aches and pains has to do with the fact that the original injury took place in another me living on a separate time line.

Anyway I am willing to look in this direction for healing.. so there is a class, in Espavo, the Group that is designed to open the path to the other dimensions of me. Normally would not take these classes because they are expensive, but as I get older and find this human body feeling like it is in a rapid descendsion of decay, like my parts are breaking, I have decided that I am willing to pay this price (200.00) for these seed activation’s to open the path to so that I can look for healing in this direction…

So this morning I woke up inside my dream and I and my Twin Flame (who lives on a separate continent) were walking together down a path. Between us was the portal and I could see that within the portal we we were holding hands as we walked.

Then the Ancients who guide my path opened up an image within my mind of a poem I wrote to my Twin Flame in 2003 about how in the places where I am weaker they are strong and in the places where they are weak I am stronger, so that together we were stronger than we were when we were not together.

then the Ancients said that in taking this class that the healing would travel to both of us, not just me, but to both of us…  We both would benefit from my exploration into this new concept…

and with this I have realized that even though my Two Spirit love and I live on separate continents, and are currently making a silent passage through time, only touching in dreams and small moments of time in space between that it is possible to achieve  Twin Flame Union even when living on separate continents…  even if our missions placed us on separate planets we would still be able to achieve Twin Flame Union..  In our dreamtime we are always together…. always connected…

She adds our hearts radiating love and light the doorway bright

May 8, 2018 - Leave a Response

Two Heart apart but touch through the portal she adds our hearts of radiating love

The positioning of her divine feminine in the picture comes from a dream I had during the time of great sleep (last winter 2017) when I was being brought into the understanding that I had been dreaming them all my life.

In the dream I could see I was in my Home world as all of my animals began to congregate a party began to form and grow through time until the party spilled over to the front yard, but still more people kept coming to the party and after a time the animals all turned into people but I could still tell who they were.

From the clan of the ancient deer people by destiny

down the hill stood the Clan of Ancient Deer People who, it seemed had migrated across the river to my side, and were standing at the edge of the party.  Then comes one of them walking past me, and this time I could see their features up close, her softly flattened nose.  and her dress of deer skin.  She had 2 braids hanging down in front and on her chest she wore her crest, the emblem of the Ancient Deer People.  She was long and graceful and after she passed me, upon her back I could see she wore her emblem there too and she had another 2 braids hanging down.

She was headed back towards her clan, and she reminded me of  the way a comet shoots off to seed new worlds and then comes back home to their clan..

ancient chinese knight picture3b59092b1b5d994e3c467948b54e455cwith this I realize that all along a man and a woman have been standing there with with me along (as the Deer Woman had passed between us and caused me to look towards her and see them.)

The man was very very tall and larger than life.  His attire was quite elegant and at the same time he was an Ancient one.  The woman was a lot shorter than him and was dressed only slightly like the pic above.

There was another woman there and she was talking to him about her art, asking him if he wanted to see her art, so I asked him if he would like to see my art, and we took off to the front of the house.  The passage up the stairs was like jumping from stone to stone up a waterfall stairway..  He took the lead and his woman ran danced skipped beside me..  then as we neared the top she ran on up the steps in front of him..  and that was when I recognized my love as she looked over the top of his head and smiled so bright back at me..  (I have seen us in this same position many times inside my dreams..)

When she gets to the top of stairs she makes this odd movement, lays down and slips through the opening..  Then he does the same, so I do the same thing and walk into an alternate world, where we are standing up..

I am looking around for my art to show him so I take him into my glow in the dark room..  in the sky up above I have stars and clouds….  and he is getting romantically distracted by it to the point where he goes, “I wish you hadn’t painted those stars in the sky for they are distracting me from my mission,” and pulling me close (as my human form was quite sick at the time) he was asking me if maybe I could ask someone to turn on the music so we could dance…



This was one of the dreams from before I realized they always were with me in my dreams…  so when I sketched out the picture of the mirror portal with my hand reaching through and touching their heart.. and their hand reaching though and touching my heart I put my loves divine feminine in the position from the dream, from when she ran up the stairs ahead of him.. and looking back she smiled at me….  ♥♥♥




Portals between our worlds

May 7, 2018 - Leave a Response

Inside the space of Love

lies the space between

and in the space between

there rests the portal door

where our world touch

and dance

and find the grace

to touch each others hearts

in the world of human skins

love, Destiny

Two Heart apart but touch through the portal to touch and dance

In the space between awake and sleep

May 4, 2018 - Leave a Response

In the space between
Awake and sleep
I feel her laying next to me
Her arm softly draped over my waist
as her heart touches my heart
In my dream
She holds me close
In my dream she holds me close
I can feel her heart beating
the sacred pulse between us
She is the softness of Love
whose arm drapes across me
in gentle carress
In the place of inbetween
awake and sleep
I feel her laying next to me

♥a love Destiny production♥

picture credit:
Selene by Susan Seddon Boulet

Selene by Susan Seddon Boulelt



….  now that I have realized I am not yet finished singing my song, I will again become Ad free in June …

If you need to find me, I am here

May 2, 2018 - Leave a Response

My story begins in my youth…  a female in my dream came to help me on my journey first…  then when I was 12, in vision I saw my Twin Flame…. my love of loves, and began looking for him..  and her….  I kept finding them in my dreams, the Two who Walked as One..  sometimes the masculine showed up, sometimes the feminine, each excited me…

In the years that followed I had so many dreams of them that I could not understand until at last in 2010 it was revealed to me that I was on a Rainbow Twin Flame Journey.. and in the beginning of 2011 I met him…  He is the protector of his divine feminine, and he had taken her to safe place within himself because he was suffering from a broken heart…

I did not even remember who he was the one I saw when I was 12, All I knew was, in a vision I had been given the knowledge that my love, my rainbow twin flame was coming, and my Kundalini was rising, so as I pondered this I was so surprised when he sat down at the well of the Twin Flames with me…

It was the Earth who told me to follow him/and she who was hidden on a journey in the years to come..  so I did, they ran, I chased them, because that is what the Earth told me to do…

In my dream I was told we came to watch an Event Horizon that was about to take place..  My love took me down into the cave to make the Venus reveal..   Aprhrodites my love, I should have known for all my dreams had always pointed to a male and a female who slept in a bed as one..

The Twin Flame journey carries a  theme, one is the runner, the other the chaser..  It is carefully orchestrated to purify each chakra, and with each chakra awaken the runner runs away, leaving the time time of pondering, the time of purification..

We had made it through each of the chakra’s, leaving and coming back together, to grow some more and then bursting through another chakra we would split apart.. to ponder..  There was always this moment where one just surrenders to never getting to hold them again, to walking alone..

The Event Horizon came with a dream,  a storm was coming and I saw 2 Eagles taking off to rise above the storm.  Then a wind spirit lifted me up and carried me back to the house.  The Eagles were just landing, but they were not the same Eagles who left, but came back as new Eagles..

Then a series of events took place, my love was weeping, living in another country, and not always feeling safe in their world..  So I gave them my blessing to allow themselves to try to find love that would come live with them.. and when it happened, to my shock it totally broke my heart and tore my world apart….

I sang it in a song, because that is what I do..  I sang it to my love because I did not know what to do, and I wept when she climbed up out of my bed and left me…  my world shattered into a place of endless tears to know the journey that began when I was a child would end this way..  I wept until I became sick and was forced into a 2 month sleep..

Then every night I would rise up out of my body, and travel to my Home World where my love and I had our lives, the same place that I had been dreaming of for all my life, I had traveled to the same place…. over and over.. and they, the 2 who walked as one were always there…

It was more than that.  What I discovered was Earth was our day job and it is more like every time we lay down to sleep on Earth, that is when we go home from work, back to our home world, so even though when we are in our human  form we think we are apart, we never are.  We are merely using the human vessel so we can do our work.  Our real lives are stationed in our home worlds.

and in achieving this I began to look out upon the world with different eyes.. I found that I now was in the Fifth Dimension..

If you would like to follow me on this journey, you can find me here     Destiny

and here Inside the Fifth Dimension