the Kundalini hug

kundalini hig tooThis release I am passing though now has a different energy about it.  It is the one that I have been describing as feeling like when a cat purrs, yet little tiny bubbles at the same time.

The other day there was a swirl of energy in my shoulder that passed all the way through from front to back.  It brought up the memory of the night I fell and broke my elbow.  When my bone broke it sounded just like a tree breaking in the forest.

That evening another different feel.  The feel of cuddling up in hug when my heart chakra started spinning.

Then yesterday, as soon as I got home from work, beginning in my tummy, just huge, thekundalini hug galaxy started spinning, and just kept getting larger and larger until I could feel it in my whole body….  In my feet, in my legs, my tummy, heart, arms and head.  Radiating, coming in my feet and going out my head, a full body release so strong that I threw myself upon my bed so that I could watch the picture and check all of my parts..

And afterwards when I threw myself off to the side to lay down, I had this feeling that 2 arms were holding me, not so much like a man, but really long arms..

This morning I woke up and it was like… wow, I think this release has to do with fallen trees..


In the year 2000 I surrendered my journey to the Earth, to follow the path that she asked me to walk.  I get my instructions from her, from them, the 2 who walk as 1.  She is the one who guided me to my Kundalini Awakening.  She told me that she needed me to do this (because in the beginning, when the Kundalini began spinning hard and strong and near constant, one can feel a bit delusional, a bit like they know they are acting like a crazy person, not knowing what is going on.)  During this time, in her instructions, she told me repeatedly that they needed me to do this.. that I had arrived in the place of my destiny.  She explained to me that in order for them (the Earth, the 2 who walk as 1) to ascend up to a higher vibration, trapped energies that were holding them down, locking them into the dense bodies needed to be released.. and that this was what I came to do.

The promise that I made when I was standing in my Home World, and the call went out, “We need volunteers to go to the Earth who has chosen at this time to ascend.”

This Kundalini release I am going through now feels like it has to do with the trees..

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