Archive for October, 2015

Twin Flames, a Journey through Art
October 13, 2015

I recently gave myself a gift for my retirement that is looming, not far down the road..  I decided that when I arrived I would like to know how to draw..  to be able to paint my dreams and visions and give them to my grandchildren.. and to those who love me… I began this journey last June..   and through the magic of You Tube training I have learned so much..  One of the things I came into recently was giving myself symbols to indicate my goddess self…  so I asked my Twin Flame what symbol I would include to show his presence   I did this yesterday and he came back with this:

Lakota Sun and eternity

Last Weekend I was practicing drawing side views, as it is a weakness so a good thing to work on… And that was when it came to me… my symbols.. Lightning Earrings to say I have the ear of and listen to the Thunder people… The Turtle close to my heart, for Turtle Island, my peoples name for America.. The braid I wear in my hair..  Kundalini Snake

101115 twin flame symbols101115 twin flame symbols 2As I spent the weekend working… I came to an empty spot beside the one I chose to carry my symbols…  so I found a mans picture and began working on his lips….   and his face…  The feeling was so beautiful..  of them touching without touching that I decided to ask my Twin Flame what symbols my Twin Flame would always show in a picture… and he came back with “Your Twin Flame would carry the symbols of eternity and the Sun.”


I am on a new journey now…  The Twin Flame journey continues to grow and develop into something more..  We are still 2 people living on separate continents, having separate stories, separate lives..

Life is a book, just waiting to be written..  this story is to good to not share….  all of its nuances from years ago that didn’t make sense but drove me to seek him..  The first time I saw him  was in a vision at the age of 12..  I was being given the news that the contract I had signed to go on a mission the Earth had been accepted, when my Twin Flame slipped into the room on a glittery stream of sunlight…  He stood above me and danced over my head as he pulled out his contract and showed me how his had been accepted too.. and showed me the place where we were to touch..

I am on a new journey..  Twin Flames Art…


Happy Dance…


Twin Flames, sacred Medicine